
Friday, October 16, 2009


Mantra enthusiasts will recognize many of the songs, but they are newly interpreted here. The style is almost completely traditional, but there is a very subtle & agreeable "wall of sound" in the background of many chants. This is particularly effective with the OMmmmmmm...  

This is more a meditational collection than rock out, fusion mantra--but many of the chants really work on physical energy too.
The mantras are vibrant & conducive to visualization as well.

Track Listings

1. Commentary
2. Kar Darshanam
3. Bhoomi Prarthana
4. Pratah Smaranam
5. Snaan Mantra
6. Tilar Mantra
7. Pranayam Mantra
8. Surya Namaskar
9. Suryarghya Mantra
10. Surya Prarthana
11. Guru Samaranam
12. Gayaytir Mantra
13. Karysiddhi Hetu Prarthana
14. Ganeshasya Smaranam
15. Chandi Smaranam
16. Vishnoh Smaranam
17. Ramasya Smaranam
18. Shivasya Smaranam
19. Navagraha Prarthana
20. Prakriti Prarthana



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